The editor of the magazine.

Robert Unseld
Responsible Editor
Whether E/E architecture or functional safety, software, sensors and actuators or new methods and processes: ATZelectronics offers development engineers and researchers in the field of electrical and electronic development for passenger cars and commercial vehicles a deep insight into focal points and interfaces of current electronic development in the automotive industry and research. Future vehicles are “computers on wheels,” which is why safety and security as well as artificial intelligence are integral parts of ATZelectronics. The unique mixture of exclusive scientific and practice-oriented technical contributions makes ATZelectronics worldwide an indispensable information medium in the field of future-oriented electronics development for engineers at manufacturers, suppliers and development service providers.

Now included: US´- famous Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics!

Paul Hansen wrote and published The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics from 1988 until December 2019, a newsletter dedicated to researching and identifying technology and business trends in the global automotive electronics industry. It is widely recognized as a reliable, credible source of timely information in the automotive electronics industry and we are pleased to inform you that since January 2020 The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics is a part of ATZelectronics worldwide.
Drawing on 30-plus years of experience in electrical engineering, marketing, product planning, business and strategy development, Mr. Hansen brings an engineer’s and a business manager’s perspective to The Hansen Report, as well as a reporter’s relentless pursuit of the facts. Together with Paul Hansen and The Hansen Report we are happy to provide you a new, current and international source of information.


Dr. WJ Gesang, CEO of Ophoenix Capital, Former Chief representative and Managing Director of Delphi Shanghai:
“As China moves from an automotive large country to an automotive global powerhouse, the Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics should become a must-read for relevant government officials, business executives and technologists in China. Get all the insights from Paul Hansen, the living encyclopedia of global automotive electronics.”


Dr. Peter Thoma, Automotive Electronics Consultant and former top EE at BMW, Supervisory Board Member of Elmos Semiconductor
“The Hansen Report is an absolute must for everyone who is engaged in automotive electronics. An excellent overview, very good details, insider news and everything from around the world.”

Lindsay Brooke, Senior Editor, Automotive Engineering International
“If anyone deserves to be called the ‘guru’ of automotive electronics, it’s Paul Hansen. For 20 years The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics has been the leading authoritative source for in-depth analysis on the companies, technologies, and business strategies affecting this fast-growing sector of the industry.”

Nigel Hughes, Product Marketing Manager, Mentor Graphics
“Each issue covers a range of topics providing an uncannily accurate assessment of our industry and the changes and challenges it faces.”

Dr. Harald Marquardt, CEO, Marquardt GmbH
“I keep telling my people that I do not know anybody in our industry who asks clearer, deeper or more knowledgeable questions than Paul Hansen.”

Michael Long, Managing Director, Pacific Asset Management, Pacific Life
“The in-depth research and technological insight are great complements to my financial analysis.”

Dr. Hermann Scholl, Chairman of the Supervisory Council, Robert Bosch GmbH:
“Interesting company profiles combined with coverage of up-front technology trends … a precise and compact source of information.”

Toyohei (Tony) Nakajima, Senior Vice President, Honda R&D Europe
“I can get a lot of insider, up-to-date information from your publication. … Deep-dive insights related to electronics and telematics, as well as very valuable information about major suppliers”

Glenn Mercer, Director, Automotive Consultant
“Many research firms cover the automotive electronics industry, but not with the depth of insight and access to ‘insider information’ that The Hansen Report brings to the subject, which makes it unique in the field.”

Henry Muyshondt, Director of Business Development, SMSC
“The respect Paul Hansen has earned in the automotive industry gives him access to people and data not available to anyone else. Readers of The Hansen Report benefit from Paul’s insights on the future of automotive technology and they gain a new understanding of the business issues involved.”

Didier Cruse, former Chief Strategy Officer, Citroen:
“To stay up-to-date on new technologies for project development, The Hansen Report is certainly one of the best references.”

Stephan Wolfsried, Vice President Electrical/Electronics, Chassis, Mercedes Car Group, Development & Engineering:
“It’s always a pleasure to read The Hansen Report. It’s a very condensed way to know what’s going on.”

Bob Gritzinger, Senior Editor, News, Autoweek
“As president and publisher of The Hansen Report on Automotive Electronics, Paul Hansen knows more than just about anyone about the unseen electronic wizardry in our cars.”

Jerry Rivard, President, Global Technology and Business Development:
“Paul Hansen has done a fine job of developing confidence among the senior management of our industry.”

Shinkichi Hotta, Director, Renesas Technology:
“People should read The Hansen Report to understand the OEM supplier business status.”

Neil Krohn, Market Development Engineering Director, Freescale Semiconductor:
“The information is accurate and insightful. The topics are timely and concise. The Hansen Report is read completely and then archived.”

Johannes Dunnwald, Manager of Strategic Planning, Nokia Smart Traffic Products:
“The Hansen Report is a very important information source. I wouldn’t want to miss a single issue.”

Noel Goutard, Honorary Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors, Valeo:
“We at Valeo … consider it essential reading for anyone involved in our business.”

John McElroy, Editorial Director, Blue Sky:
“The Hansen Report is the single most important source of information on automotive electronics anywhere in the world. If you need to know what is going on and need to be among the first to know, this is a ‘must-read.'”

Paul Hansen

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The leading specialist magazine for the automotive electronics sector features new details about research and development. ATZelectronics offers development engineers and researchers in the field of electrical and electronic development for passenger cars and commercial vehicles a deep insight into focal points and interfaces of current electronic development in the automotive industry and research. Our authors are automotive experts from the industry and science. Therefore, ATZelectronics reports feature individual research projects and the series development of vehicles and their components.
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